去外商或國外面試會被問的Behavioral Questions

Rachel @Canada
3 min readFeb 7, 2021


Behavioral Questions 是面試情境問題,在外商公司或是國外面試時,務必要準備的題目!

請問為什麼會被問Behavioral Questions呢?

在台灣如果老闆要找人,可能會說這個人合不合有、投不投緣。在北美老闆們會說,這個人有沒有 Culture fit,其實是差不多的意思。


至於culture fit這個東西真的是見仁見智,決定權又不在我們。但身為面試者,可以把握的部分,就是好好把問題都準備好,以備不時之需。

有工程師朋友,曾經很自豪地說,我不會遇到這個問題,因為要面試工程師工作,只會被問技術問題,因此只需要把技術面試Technical Interview準備好即可。

但這可是大錯特錯!即使第一、二關都是技術問題,但還是有可能會在確認你的技術合格之後,再面試問一些Behavioral Questions。



請問Behavioral Questions都長什麼樣子呢?

Behavioral Questions 有很多問法,大多數都是以這樣開頭的:
1. Can you give me an example of…?
2. Describe a situation when you…?
3. Tell me about a time…?
4. Think back…?

請問Behavioral Questions有哪幾大類型考題呢?


Adaptability, Analytical Ability, Attention to Detail, Change Management, Coaching, Communication, Conflict Management, Continuous Learning, Customer Service, Decision Making, Energy, Initiative, Integrity & Building Trust, Innovative, Leadership, Negotiation, Persuasion & Influence, Presentations, Problem Solving, Project Management & Planning and Organizing, Risk Taking, Time Management, Teamwork

回答Behavioral Questions要符合職務產業用人特性

貼心小提醒一下。金融業的工作一般不喜歡太Risk Taking的人,但是科技新創公司可能很愛這樣的員工。


Behavioral Questions考題例句

講到這裡,相信有些人會滿頭問號,這到底會怎麼考,希望能更具體一點。因此接下來,我會每一種類型的Behavioral Question 給一個例子做參考。


Tell me about a situation when you had to adjust quickly to a change in priorities. What did you do?

Analytical Ability

Tell me about a time when you had to analyze or interpret numerical or financial information.

Attention to Detail

Can you describe the work environment in which you felt most productive?

Change Management

Describe a time when you helped a group of employees understand why a specific change (in process, procedure,
policy, etc…) was necessary. What was the change? What did you do?


Tell me about what you’ve done to help a peer/team member understand what knowledge/skill areas to
strengthen. Give me a specific example.


Can you tell me about a work experience in which you had to speak up to make sure that you got an important
point across? How did you ensure they understood what you were saying?

Conflict Management

Have you ever been part of a team where members could just not agree? How did you handle it? What did you

Continuous Learning

What was the most difficult task you had to learn on your job at ? How did you learn it?

Customer Service

Can you describe a situation where you had to assess and satisfy a client’s needs whether internal or external?
How did you go about determining their needs?

Decision Making

Tell me about the most difficult decision you made in the last six months? What made it difficult?


Tell me about a time that you had to work at a fast pace for a long period. What kind of work did you do?


Describe a time when you saw a problem and took actions to correct it rather than waiting for someone else to do

Integrity & Building Trust

Have you ever been faced with confronting the unethical actions of another person? How did you deal with it?
How did it turn out?


Tell me about an incident in which you were successful in spotting a trend, opportunity or threat to your


Do you have any experience leading a team? Tell me about that experience and the role you played.


What types of negotiations have you been involved in? Describe a recent negotiation for me. What was your
role? What was the outcome?

Persuasion & Influence

Think of a time when you had a difference of opinion with someone. Were you able to gain acceptance and
commitment from that person? If so, what did you do to win that person over?


Tell me about the most memorable presentation you made in the past year.

Problem Solving

Have you ever been required to solve a problem but you had inadequate resources? What did you do?

Project Management & Planning and Organizing

What kinds of project planning or administration did you do in your job at ? Tell me about one or more of
the projects you planned.

Risk Taking

Tell me about a time when you took action despite knowing that the odds for success were slim. What was your
rationale for taking the action? What happened?

Time Management

Tell me about a time when you were faced with conflicting priorities. How did you determine the top priority?


Can you describe your best team experience? What factors made it a positive experience?



Rachel @Canada
